home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*****************************************************************************
- **
- ** Copyright 1998, 1999 by Ernest R. Schreurs.
- ** All rights reserved.
- ** Use of this source code is allowed under the following conditions:
- ** You must inform people that you based your work on this stuff.
- ** If you charge a fee in any form for your product, you must inform people
- ** that this stuff is available free of charge.
- ** Refer to the documentation for more information.
- **
- *****************************************************************************/
- #define MODULE "CAS2WAV.C"
- /*****************************************************************************
- **
- ** Author : Ernest R. Schreurs
- ** Date : January 3, 1999
- ** Release : 01.00
- **
- ** Description : This program will convert a .cas cassette image file
- ** to a .wav file.
- **
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h> /* For printf() and gets() */
- #include <ctype.h> /* For isalnum() and toupper() */
- #include <fltenv.h> /* For sin() exceptions */
- #include <math.h> /* For sin() */
- #include <stdlib.h> /* For the exit function */
- #include <string.h> /* String and memory stuff */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- #ifndef FALSE
- #define FALSE 0
- #endif
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE 1
- #endif
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- #define PATH_LEN 128 /* Maximum path length */
- #define BUF_LEN 80 /* fgets buffer length */
- #define SUCCESS 1 /* Success is non-zero */
- #define FAILURE 0 /* Failure is zero */
- #define ZERO_LEVEL 128 /* Zero level for wav sample */
- /*
- ** A tape record starts with a Pre-Record Write Tone.
- ** Then we find bytes, usually 132, each starting with a startbit,
- ** eight data bits, lsb first, followed by a stopbit.
- ** This is all coded in mark and space tones, as defined below.
- */
- #define FSK_MARK 1 /* Mark tone represents a 1 */
- #define FSK_SPACE 0 /* Space tone represents a 0 */
- #define FSK_1 1 /* A 1 bit is a mark */
- #define FSK_0 0 /* A 0 bit is a space */
- #define FSK_PRWT 1 /* PRWT tone is a mark */
- #define FSK_STARTBIT 0 /* Startbit is a space */
- #define FSK_STOPBIT 1 /* Stopbit is a mark */
- /*
- ** Definitions for the mark and space tone frequencies.
- */
- #define FSK_TONE_MARK 5327 /* Frequency of mark tone */
- #define FSK_TONE_SPACE 3995 /* Frequency of space tone */
- #define MARK_TABLE_LEN 44100L /* Length of mark tone table */
- #define SPACE_TABLE_LEN 44100L /* Length of space tone table */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- ** Macro for casting stuff to requirements of stupid
- ** standard library functions.
- */
- #define FGETS( buf, buf_len, file_ptr ) \
- (void *)fgets( (char *)buf, (int)buf_len, (FILE *)file_ptr )
- #define STRLEN( str ) \
- strlen( (const char *)(str) )
- /*
- ** Macro for getting input from the terminal,
- ** allowing the user to exit with either control Z or
- ** inputting the string ^Z to indicate intention of
- ** terminating the program.
- */
- #define GET_BUF() \
- { \
- if ( FGETS( buf, BUF_LEN, stdin ) == NULL ) \
- { \
- printf( "Terminated by ^Z\n" ); \
- exit(0); \
- } \
- if ( memcmp( buf, "^Z", 2 ) == 0 || memcmp( buf, "^z", 2 ) == 0 ) \
- { \
- printf( "Terminated by ^Z\n" ); \
- exit(0); \
- } \
- }
- #define PRINT( lst ) \
- { \
- if( diagnostics ) \
- { \
- printf lst; \
- } \
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- typedef unsigned char bool; /* Boolean value */
- typedef unsigned char ubyte; /* Exactly eight bits, unsigned */
- typedef short int16; /* At least 16 bits, signed */
- typedef unsigned short uint16; /* At least 16 bits, unsigned */
- typedef long int32; /* At least 32 bits, signed */
- typedef unsigned long uint32; /* At least 32 bits, unsigned */
- /*
- ** Cassette file header.
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- ubyte cas_record_id[4]; /* Cassette record type */
- ubyte cas_len_lo; /* Record length low byte */
- ubyte cas_len_hi; /* Record length high byte */
- ubyte cas_aux1; /* Type dependant data */
- ubyte cas_aux2; /* Type dependant data */
- ubyte cas_data[8192]; /* Data */
- } cas_blk;
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- static FILE * cas_file; /* Cassette image file */
- static FILE * wav_file; /* Wave file */
- static cas_blk cas_rec; /* The cassette record buffer */
- static uint32 cas_len; /* Length of cassette data */
- static uint32 baudrate; /* Baudrate */
- static bool baudrate_fixed; /* Fixed baudrate entered */
- static uint32 bitlen; /* Number of samples in one bit */
- static uint32 bit_stretch; /* Number of samples for stretch */
- static uint32 bytelen; /* Number of samples in one byte */
- static bool diagnostics; /* Print diagnostic data */
- static bool header_written; /* Did we write out a header yet */
- static bool format_pure; /* Format is pure sine waves */
- static bool format_sine; /* Format is sine waves */
- static bool format_square; /* Format is square waves */
- static bool zero_transition; /* Do a transition at zero level */
- static uint32 test_tape; /* Generate test tape only */
- static uint32 mark_tone; /* Frequency of mark tone */
- static uint32 space_tone; /* Frequency of space tone */
- static uint32 leader; /* Fixed length of leader */
- static uint32 irg; /* Fixed length of Inter Record Gap */
- static uint32 pos; /* Number of bytes in wav file */
- static uint32 pos_chunk_size; /* Position in wav file for length */
- static uint32 pos_file_size; /* Position in wav file for length */
- static ubyte number[4]; /* Buffer for numbers */
- static ubyte * mark; /* Buffer with mark tone generator */
- static ubyte * space; /* Buffer with space tone generator */
- static ubyte * ptr; /* Pointer to tone generator */
- static uint32 table_len; /* Length of generator table */
- static uint32 prev_bitvalue; /* Last bit value written */
- static uint32 recno; /* Record number */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- static void cleanup( void );
- static uint32 process_header( void );
- static void process_record( void );
- static uint32 read_record( void );
- static void usage( char * cmd );
- static void write_wav( char * buffer, uint32 buflen );
- static void write_wav_bit( uint32 value, uint32 samples );
- static void write_wav_number( uint32 value, uint32 buflen );
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- int main(); /* Normal entry point to it all */
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: cleanup()
- **
- ** Cleanup any mess that was created.
- **
- ** This function will attempt to close all open files and
- ** free allocated memory.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** - The file pointers and paths are used.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void cleanup( void )
- {
- if( wav_file )
- {
- fclose( wav_file );
- }
- if( cas_file )
- {
- fclose( cas_file );
- }
- if( mark )
- free( (void *)mark );
- if( space )
- free( (void *)space );
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: process_header()
- **
- ** Process the data from the header of the .cas file and store
- ** relevant information. This will verify that the file truly is
- ** a cassette image file.
- **
- ** This function will read the relevant data about the .cas file
- ** and verify it.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** Nothing.
- ** Data is read from the cassette image file.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** Prints results.
- ** Stores data related to the contents of the cassette image file.
- ** Returns SUCCESS if header was processed successfully.
- ** Returns FAILURE if some error occurred.
- **
- */
- static uint32 process_header( void )
- {
- uint32 bytes; /* Number of bytes read */
- /*
- ** Cassette image files usually look like this
- **
- ** char[4] = "FUJI", two chars record size lo/hi, two chars null
- ** char[4] = "baud", two chars null, two chars baudrate lo/hi
- ** char[4] = "data", two chars record size lo/hi, two chars PRWT lo/hi
- ** See below for more details.
- */
- /*
- ** .cas files should begin with FUJI, followed by the size of the description.
- */
- bytes = fread( (char *)&cas_rec, (int)1, (int)4, cas_file );
- if( ( bytes < 4 ) || memcmp( cas_rec.cas_record_id, "FUJI", 4 ) )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nThis is not a valid .cas file, it does not begin with \"FUJI\".\n");
- return( FAILURE );
- }
- /*
- ** Get the remaining four bytes of the record header.
- */
- bytes = fread( ((char *)&cas_rec)+4, (int)1, (int)4, cas_file );
- if( bytes < 4 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nThis is not a valid .cas file, description length missing.\n");
- return( FAILURE );
- }
- /*
- ** This looks like what we wanted, so we will call this success.
- ** Position the file at the beginning again.
- */
- fseek( cas_file, 0L, SEEK_SET ); /* Go back to beginning of file */
- return( SUCCESS );
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: process_record()
- **
- ** There is data in the cassette record buffer. This must now be
- ** converted to the selected format.
- **
- ** This function will take data from the record buffer and convert it
- ** to FSK bits. The bits are coded as mark and space tones.
- ** These tones are output as wave data.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** Nothing.
- ** Data is taken from the cassette record buffer.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** Data is output to the file.
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void process_record( void )
- {
- uint32 bit; /* Number of bits processed */
- uint32 bitvalue; /* Current bit level counting */
- ubyte byte; /* Byte decoded from fsk data */
- uint32 bytes; /* Number of bytes read */
- uint32 change; /* Bit change index */
- uint32 changes; /* Bit changes index */
- uint32 msecs; /* Number of milli-seconds */
- uint32 prwt; /* Length of the PRWT */
- uint32 bits[10]; /* Number of bits */
- uint32 remainder; /* Left over samples */
- uint32 samples[10]; /* Number of samples per bit */
- uint32 total; /* Total sample count */
- uint32 total_bits; /* Total number of bits */
- /*
- ** Currently, we only have three types of record:
- ** FUJI A header/description record.
- ** baud A record telling us the baudrate.
- ** data A record with cassette data.
- */
- /*
- ** If we find a header, and it is the first one, write the header
- ** for the wave file.
- */
- if( memcmp( cas_rec.cas_record_id, "FUJI", 4 ) == 0 )
- {
- PRINT( ("\nDescription \"%.*s\".\n", (int)cas_len, cas_rec.cas_data) );
- if( !header_written )
- {
- write_wav( (char *)"RIFF", (uint32)4L );
- pos_file_size = pos;
- write_wav_number( (uint32)0L, (uint32)4L );
- header_written = TRUE;
- }
- write_wav( (char *)"WAVE", (uint32)4L );
- write_wav( (char *)"fmt ", (uint32)4L );
- write_wav_number( (uint32)16L, (uint32)4L ); /* Header size */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)1L, (uint32)2L ); /* fmt tag 1 */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)1L, (uint32)2L ); /* channels 1 */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)44100L, (uint32)4L ); /* sample rate 44100 */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)44100L, (uint32)4L ); /* Bytes per second */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)1L, (uint32)2L ); /* Buffer alignment */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)8L, (uint32)2L ); /* bits per sample */
- write_wav( (char *)"data", (uint32)4L );
- pos_chunk_size = pos;
- write_wav_number( (uint32)0L, (uint32)4L );
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** If this is a baudrate record, change the baud rate, unless
- ** the user selected a fixed baudrate.
- */
- if( memcmp( cas_rec.cas_record_id, "baud", 4 ) == 0 )
- {
- if( !baudrate_fixed )
- {
- baudrate = (((uint32)cas_rec.cas_aux2) << 8 ) + cas_rec.cas_aux1;
- bytelen = ( 44100L * 10 ) / baudrate;
- bitlen = 44100L / baudrate;
- }
- PRINT( ("\nBaudrate set to %lu.\n", baudrate) );
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** If this is a plain old data record, encode the bits.
- */
- if( memcmp( cas_rec.cas_record_id, "data", 4 ) == 0 )
- {
- prwt = (((uint32)cas_rec.cas_aux2) << 8 ) + cas_rec.cas_aux1;
- /*
- ** If there is a fixed leader, and we did not write a leader yet,
- ** set the length of the leader.
- ** If this is a normal irg or other gap, any gap less than 3 seconds
- ** is considered an irg and if specified, the fixed irg is used.
- */
- if( leader )
- {
- prwt = leader;
- leader = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if( irg )
- {
- if( prwt < 3000 )
- prwt = irg;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Each record starts out with the PRWT.
- ** Then we write out all the bytes in the cassette record.
- ** The PRWT is measured in milli-seconds. At a sample rate of
- ** 44,100, this means the number of samples is 44.1 times the prwt value.
- */
- write_wav_bit( FSK_PRWT, prwt * 44 + prwt / 10 );
- recno++;
- PRINT( ("\nRecord %lu at offset %lu PRWT = %lu with %lu data bytes.",
- recno, pos - pos_chunk_size - 4, prwt, cas_len ) );
- /*
- ** Now process the data record byte by byte.
- */
- for( bytes = 0; bytes < cas_len; bytes++ )
- {
- /*
- ** Since this is FSK, we accumulate the sample counts of the bits that
- ** are the same value. This way, we can get a more precise baudrate.
- ** Encode and sum up like bits. Begin with a startbit, then the databits,
- ** and finally the stopbit.
- ** We need ten bits to encode one byte (startbit and stopbit included)
- ** but since we are using integers here, we will divide the bytelength
- ** by ten after summing up the bits, for improved accuracy.
- */
- bitvalue = FSK_STARTBIT;
- samples[0] = bytelen;
- bits[0] = 1;
- changes = 0;
- byte = cas_rec.cas_data[bytes];
- /*
- ** Convert each byte to a string of 8 bits.
- ** Least significant bit is encoded first.
- ** If the bitvalue changes, start the new count,
- ** otherwise add the length of a bit to the sum.
- */
- for( bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++ )
- {
- if( ( byte & 0x01 ) != bitvalue )
- {
- bitvalue = byte & 0x01;
- changes++;
- samples[changes] = bytelen;
- bits[changes] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- samples[changes] += bytelen;
- bits[changes]++;
- }
- byte = byte >> 1;
- }
- /*
- ** The last bit is the stop bit. Add it to the length of the last bit(s)
- ** if they were mark, otherwise, make a final new count.
- */
- if( bitvalue == FSK_STOPBIT )
- {
- samples[changes] += bytelen;
- bits[changes]++;
- }
- else
- {
- changes++;
- samples[changes] = bytelen;
- bits[changes] = 1;
- }
- /*
- ** Now that we have the bits encoded, we must still divide the bytelength
- ** by ten, thus we must divide our sums by ten. We must make sure that
- ** the baudrate is correct, so the total sum of the samples for all bits
- ** must be equal to the bytelength. Distribute the remaining samples,
- ** caused by inaccuracy in the division, by checking the sum at every change.
- ** Keep a running total, and compute where we should be at, in order
- ** to compensate for truncation that occurs during the division.
- */
- total = 0;
- total_bits = 0;
- for( change = 0; change <= changes; change++ )
- {
- samples[change] /= 10;
- total += samples[change];
- total_bits += bits[change];
- remainder = (( total_bits * bytelen ) / 10 ) - total;
- samples[change] += remainder;
- total += remainder;
- }
- /*
- ** Now that we have the bits encoded, stretch the space bits.
- ** The table starts with the startbit, which is a space. Steal the
- ** samples from the following mark bit(s).
- ** Even table entries are space, odd entries are mark, since they alternate.
- */
- for( change = 0; change < changes; change++ )
- {
- samples[change++] += bit_stretch;
- samples[change] -= bit_stretch;
- }
- /*
- ** Now output this stuff.
- ** There are at least two changes, since we have a start bit and
- ** a stop bit. The bits may alternate several times, but we are
- ** certain that the last one will be a stop bit, which is a mark.
- ** Thus, process bits in pairs, alternating between space and mark.
- */
- for( change = 0; change < changes; change++ )
- {
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, samples[change++] );
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, samples[change] );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- PRINT( ("\nIn process_record() unknown record type %.4s %lu bytes data\n", &cas_rec, cas_len) );
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: read_record()
- **
- ** Read a record into the cassette buffer.
- **
- ** This function will read data from the cas file and store it in the
- ** cassette buffer. One complete record is read into the buffer.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** Nothing.
- ** Data is read from the cas file.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** Data is stored in the buffer.
- ** Buffer status is updated.
- ** Returns SUCCESS if a record was read successfully.
- ** Returns FAILURE if some error occurred.
- **
- */
- static uint32 read_record( void )
- {
- uint32 bytes; /* Number of bytes read */
- /*
- ** First read the header bytes, because we need to know the length of the
- ** record. If we cannot read any bytes, this must be the end of file.
- */
- bytes = fread( (char *)&cas_rec, (int)1, (int)8, cas_file );
- if( bytes == 0 )
- return( FAILURE );
- /*
- ** Found header bytes, compute the record length from the header info.
- ** Then read the data portion of the record, if any.
- */
- if( bytes != 8 )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nThis is not a valid .cas file, record header damaged.\n");
- return( FAILURE );
- }
- cas_len = (((uint32)cas_rec.cas_len_hi) << 8 ) + cas_rec.cas_len_lo;
- if( cas_len )
- {
- bytes = fread( (char *)cas_rec.cas_data, (int)1, (int)cas_len, cas_file );
- if( bytes != cas_len )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nThis is not a valid .cas file, record damaged.\n");
- return( FAILURE );
- }
- }
- return( SUCCESS );
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: usage()
- **
- ** Display the command line format for the program.
- **
- ** This function will explain the usage of the program to the user.
- ** The program name is taken from the first command line argument.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** - The address of the command line, containing the program name.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** The usage is displayed on the terminal.
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void usage( cmd )
- char * cmd; /* Program name */
- {
- char * whoami; /* For searching program name in command line */
- char * name; /* Pointer to actual program name in command */
- int len; /* Length of program name */
- int found_dot; /* Nonzero if we found a dot in the name */
- /*
- ** Get program name and print usage message.
- ** The complete pathname including extension is part of the first
- ** argument as passed by the operating system.
- */
- for( whoami = cmd, len = 0, found_dot = 0; *whoami; whoami++ )
- {
- if( *whoami == '.' )
- {
- found_dot = 1;
- continue;
- }
- if( *whoami == '\\' ) /* if this was part of the path, */
- {
- name = whoami + 1; /* record position */
- len = 0; /* then restart counting length */
- found_dot = 0;
- continue;
- }
- if( *whoami == ' ' ) /* end of name found */
- break;
- if( found_dot ) /* skip .exe or .com stuff */
- continue;
- len++; /* Increment program name length */
- }
- /*
- ** Let me explain...
- */
- fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %.*s [cassette file] [/d] [/w=x] [/t=nnnn] [/m=nnnn] [/s=nnnn]\n", len, name );
- fprintf(stderr, " [/b=nnnn] [/l=nnnn] [/i=nnnn]\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "to convert a .cas cassette image file to a .wav file.\n\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "cassette file an Atari classic tape image file.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/d to print diagnostic information.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/w=x to select the waveform of the tone used,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where x is s for sine waves, b for block waves, p for pure tones.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/z to select transition at zero level.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/t=nnnn to generate a test tape only,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where nnnn is the duration in milli-seconds.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/m=nnnn frequency of mark tone in Hertz,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where nnnn is a number around 5327.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/s=nnnn frequency of space tone in Hertz,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where nnnn is a number around 3995.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/b=nnnn fixed baudrate to use,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where nnnn is a number around 600, from 425 to 875.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/l=nnnn fixed length of leader in milli-seconds,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where nnnn is a number around 20000.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "/i=nnnn fixed length of Inter Record Gap in milli-seconds,\n");
- fprintf(stderr, " where nnnn is a number around 250.\n");
- fprintf(stderr, "Refer to the documentation for more information.\n");
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: write_test_tape()
- **
- ** Write data for a test tape to the wav file.
- **
- ** This function will write test data to the wav file.
- ** A test tape consists of only mark and space bits in some test pattern.
- ** Use an oscilloscope to view the output of the cassette unit.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** - The file pointers and paths are used.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** The data is written to the wav file.
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void write_test_tape( void )
- {
- uint32 sample_count; /* Count of samples test tape */
- uint32 samples; /* Number of samples test tape */
- /*
- ** We use a fixed filename for test tapes.
- */
- fprintf(stderr, "\nProcessing test tape, please wait!\n");
- wav_file = fopen( (char *)"testtape.wav", "wb" );
- if( wav_file == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nCannot open testtape.wav file!\n");
- cleanup();
- exit( 255 );
- }
- if( !header_written )
- {
- write_wav( (char *)"RIFF", (uint32)4L );
- pos_file_size = pos;
- write_wav_number( (uint32)0L, (uint32)4L );
- header_written = TRUE;
- }
- write_wav( (char *)"WAVE", (uint32)4L );
- write_wav( (char *)"fmt ", (uint32)4L );
- write_wav_number( (uint32)16L, (uint32)4L ); /* Header size */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)1L, (uint32)2L ); /* fmt tag 1 */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)1L, (uint32)2L ); /* channels 1 */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)44100L, (uint32)4L ); /* sample rate 44100 */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)44100L, (uint32)4L ); /* Bytes per second */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)1L, (uint32)2L ); /* Buffer alignment */
- write_wav_number( (uint32)8L, (uint32)2L ); /* bits per sample */
- write_wav( (char *)"data", (uint32)4L );
- pos_chunk_size = pos;
- write_wav_number( (uint32)0L, (uint32)4L );
- /*
- ** Compute the number of samples to generate.
- ** Multiply the number of milli-seconds by the sample rate.
- ** The sample rate is per second, so divide by 1000.
- */
- samples = ( test_tape * 441 ) / 10;
- sample_count = 0;
- /*
- ** Generate the test pattern.
- */
- while( sample_count < samples )
- {
- /*
- ** Alternate mark and space bits.
- */
- #if 0
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- #endif
- /*
- ** A small piece of silence.
- */
- #if 0
- for( byte = 0; byte < 881; byte++ )
- {
- write_wav( "\200", 1L );
- sample_count++;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- ** Large piece of mark, and alternating space and mark,
- ** with elongated space bits.
- */
- #if 0
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen * 3 );
- sample_count += bitlen * 3;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen * 3 );
- sample_count += bitlen * 3;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen - 8);
- sample_count += bitlen;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen + 8);
- sample_count += bitlen;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen - 8);
- sample_count += bitlen;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen + 8);
- sample_count += bitlen;
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen - 8);
- sample_count += bitlen;
- #endif
- /*
- ** Large piece of mark, and alternating space and mark,
- ** with abrupt change over.
- */
- #if 0
- ptr = mark;
- write_wav( (char *)&(mark[0]), 414 );
- sample_count += 414;
- write_wav( (char *)&(space[414]), 73 );
- sample_count += 73;
- write_wav( (char *)&(mark[487]), 73 );
- sample_count += 73;
- write_wav( (char *)&(space[560]), 73 );
- sample_count += 73;
- write_wav( (char *)&(mark[633]), 73 );
- sample_count += 73;
- write_wav( (char *)&(space[706]), 73 );
- sample_count += 73;
- write_wav( (char *)&(mark[779]), 73 );
- sample_count += 73;
- #endif
- /*
- ** Large piece of mark, and alternating space and mark,
- ** with normal change over.
- */
- #if 1
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen * 3 );
- sample_count += bitlen * 3;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen * 3 );
- sample_count += bitlen * 3;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- #endif
- /*
- ** Large piece of mark, and alternating space and mark,
- ** with normal change over and elongated space bits.
- */
- #if 0
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen * 3 );
- sample_count += bitlen * 3;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen * 3 );
- sample_count += bitlen * 3;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen + 9 );
- sample_count += bitlen + 9;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen - 9);
- sample_count += bitlen - 9;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen + 9);
- sample_count += bitlen + 9;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen - 9);
- sample_count += bitlen - 9;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_SPACE, bitlen + 9);
- sample_count += bitlen + 9;
- write_wav_bit( FSK_MARK, bitlen );
- sample_count += bitlen;
- #endif
- }
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: write_wav()
- **
- ** Write data to the wav file.
- **
- ** This function will write the specified buffer to the wav file.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** - The address of the data to be written.
- ** - The amount of data to be written.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** The data is written to the wav file.
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void write_wav( buffer, buflen )
- char * buffer; /* Address of buffer to be written */
- uint32 buflen; /* Number of bytes to be written */
- {
- uint32 bytes; /* Number of bytes actually written */
- bytes = fwrite( buffer, (int)1, (int)buflen, wav_file );
- if( bytes != buflen )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nWrite error on wav file.\n");
- cleanup();
- exit( 255 );
- }
- pos += bytes;
- return;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: write_wav_bit()
- **
- ** Write a bit or a prwt to the wav file.
- **
- ** This function will write the specified number of samples to the wav
- ** file, representing the selected bit value.
- ** The way we make the transition from mark to space or from space to
- ** mark depends on the selected format of the waves.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** - The bit value to be represented.
- ** - The amount of data to be written.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** The data is written to the wav file.
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void write_wav_bit( bitvalue, samples )
- uint32 bitvalue; /* The bit value to be represented */
- uint32 samples; /* Number of bytes to be written */
- {
- uint32 bytes; /* Number of bytes actually written */
- bool falling; /* Level of signal is falling */
- ubyte last_value; /* Last byte value output */
- /*
- ** Here is where we have to do special things in order to make the
- ** selected type of transition from mark to space or from space to mark,
- ** if we have a transition at all. If there is no transition, things
- ** are really simple. If there is a transition, the transition from
- ** mark to space is the most important. Unless we are writing pure
- ** tones, the mark tone is always written from the end of the mark table,
- ** and the space tone is written from the start of the space table.
- ** Unfortunately, sometimes we write a very long mark tone, which is longer
- ** than the table. In this case we will be wrapping around to the start of
- ** the table one or more times, so compute where to start at, such that we
- ** we arrive at the end of the mark table.
- ** With pure tones, we always make a smooth transition.
- */
- /*
- ** No bytes written yet.
- */
- bytes = 0;
- /*
- ** If only the result counts, we do not care whether or not the wave format
- ** looks nice, we just want it to load reliable. For mark tones, write the
- ** tone from the end of the table. For space tones, write it from the start
- ** of the table. This makes the mark to space transition occur at the zero
- ** level.
- */
- if( zero_transition )
- {
- if( bitvalue == FSK_MARK )
- {
- if( samples < MARK_TABLE_LEN )
- {
- ptr = &(mark[MARK_TABLE_LEN - samples]);
- table_len = samples;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = &(mark[MARK_TABLE_LEN - (samples % MARK_TABLE_LEN)]);
- table_len = samples % MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- } /* end if zero transition */
- else
- /*
- ** If we are writing pure tones, we must orderly end the current tone
- ** before changing over to the next.
- ** Complete the half period in progress before changing the tone.
- */
- if( format_pure )
- {
- /*
- ** When we pass the zero level, change the tone.
- ** Try to make a clean transition from mark to space.
- ** Finish up the last half period of the previous bit.
- ** If the bit is the same, continue with the current tone where we
- ** left off.
- */
- if( bitvalue != prev_bitvalue )
- {
- /*
- ** If we are at the start of our generator buffer, no need to do
- ** complicated things, we can simply change to the start of the other
- ** generator tone buffer.
- ** Besides, we would not have a previous value in this case to determine
- ** rising or falling, although we know it is rising.
- */
- if( ( prev_bitvalue == FSK_MARK ) && ( ptr == mark ) )
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- if( ( prev_bitvalue == FSK_SPACE ) && ( ptr == space ) )
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- /*
- ** Otherwise, figure out whether the signal was rising or falling.
- ** If we just crossed the zero level, we can see whether we are rising
- ** or falling. If the current value is below the zero level, we are now
- ** falling. If it is above the zero level, we are now rising.
- */
- {
- if( ( *(ptr - 1) >= ZERO_LEVEL ) && ( *ptr <= ZERO_LEVEL ) )
- {
- falling = TRUE;
- }
- else
- if( ( *(ptr - 1) <= ZERO_LEVEL ) && ( *ptr >= ZERO_LEVEL ) )
- {
- falling = FALSE;
- }
- else
- /*
- ** Since we did not cross the zero level just now, look at the last value.
- ** If it is above the zero level, continue to write samples until we pass
- ** the zero level falling down, otherwise continue to write samples until
- ** we pass the zero level going up.
- */
- if( *(ptr - 1) > ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- falling = TRUE;
- while( *ptr > ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- write_wav( (char *)ptr, 1 );
- bytes++;
- ptr++;
- if( --table_len == 0 )
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- falling = FALSE;
- while( *ptr < ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- write_wav( (char *)ptr, 1 );
- bytes++;
- ptr++;
- if( --table_len == 0 )
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** At this point, we finished the last half period of the previous
- ** tone. Now switch tone. Make sure we are going in the same direction
- ** as the previous tone, either falling or rising.
- ** This means that if we need to be falling, we must move ahead until
- ** we are. The tables start out rising.
- */
- if( bitvalue == FSK_MARK )
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- /*
- ** If falling, search for the zero crossing in the other table.
- */
- if( falling )
- {
- ptr++;
- table_len--;
- for( ; table_len; ptr++, table_len-- )
- {
- if( *ptr <= ZERO_LEVEL )
- break;
- }
- }
- } /* end else if at start of buffer */
- } /* end if bit value changed */
- } /* end if pure tones */
- else
- /*
- ** If we are writing normal sine waves, change from one sine wave to
- ** the other. Do so by finding the corresponding value in the other table,
- ** and continue writing data from the other table.
- */
- if( format_sine )
- {
- if( bitvalue != prev_bitvalue )
- {
- /*
- ** Check for start of buffer.
- */
- if( ( prev_bitvalue == FSK_MARK ) && ( ptr == mark ) )
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- if( ( prev_bitvalue == FSK_SPACE ) && ( ptr == space ) )
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- /*
- ** Compare the current value to the last value. If it is smaller, we
- ** are falling. If it is larger, we are rising. If it is the same, we
- ** must be at the top or bottom of the sine wave, and we are then moving
- ** away from that.
- */
- {
- last_value = *(ptr - 1);
- #if 0
- /*
- ** If the space value was larger than any value in the mark table,
- ** we will never find the correct value, so limit it to the top value.
- */
- if( last_value > 192 )
- {
- falling = TRUE;
- last_value = 192;
- }
- else
- if( last_value < 64 )
- {
- falling = FALSE;
- last_value = 64;
- }
- else
- #endif
- if( last_value > *ptr )
- {
- falling = TRUE;
- }
- else
- if( last_value < *ptr )
- {
- falling = FALSE;
- }
- else
- /*
- ** Values are the same, moving away from top, determine which top.
- */
- {
- if( *ptr > ZERO_LEVEL )
- falling = TRUE;
- else
- falling = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- ** Now that we know whether we are rising or falling, find the value we
- ** wrote last, but this time in the buffer for the other frequency, and
- ** find it either falling or rising, whatever it was we were doing.
- */
- if( bitvalue == FSK_MARK )
- {
- ptr = mark + 1;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = space + 1;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN - 1;
- }
- /*
- ** Search for the value in the other table.
- */
- for( ; table_len; ptr++, table_len-- )
- {
- if( *ptr == last_value )
- {
- if( falling )
- {
- ptr++;
- table_len--;
- if( table_len == 0 )
- break;
- if( *ptr < last_value )
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr++;
- table_len--;
- if( table_len == 0 )
- break;
- if( *ptr > last_value )
- break;
- }
- } /* end if matching value found */
- } /* end search for matching value and direction */
- } /* end else if at start of buffer */
- } /* end if bit value changed */
- } /* end if sine wave */
- else
- /*
- ** Nothing left but square waves. We cannot really make them smooth.
- ** We do make sure that at least the level changes to the opposite,
- ** so that the length of the first period is correct.
- */
- if( format_square )
- {
- if( bitvalue == FSK_MARK )
- {
- if( *ptr > ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- while( *ptr > ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- ptr++;
- table_len--;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- } /* end if mark */
- else
- {
- if( *ptr > ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- while( *ptr > ZERO_LEVEL )
- {
- ptr++;
- table_len--;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- } /* end else if mark */
- } /* end if square waves */
- /*
- ** We are now pointing to the correct spot in the buffer.
- ** Write the requested number of samples. Deduct the number of samples
- ** we used to complete the previous tone.
- */
- if( samples > bytes )
- {
- while( samples - bytes > table_len )
- {
- write_wav( (char *)ptr, table_len );
- bytes += table_len;
- if( bitvalue == FSK_MARK )
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- }
- write_wav( (char *)ptr, samples - bytes );
- ptr += ( samples - bytes );
- table_len -= ( samples - bytes );
- }
- prev_bitvalue = bitvalue;
- if( table_len == 0 )
- {
- if( bitvalue == FSK_MARK )
- {
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- else
- {
- ptr = space;
- table_len = SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- }
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: write_wav_number()
- **
- ** Write a number to the wav file.
- **
- ** This function will write the specified number to the wav file.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** - The number to be written.
- ** - The amount of data to be written.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** The data is written to the wav file.
- ** The function returns nothing.
- **
- */
- static void write_wav_number( value, buflen )
- uint32 value; /* The number to be written */
- uint32 buflen; /* Number of bytes to be written */
- {
- number[0] = value;
- number[1] = value >> 8;
- number[2] = value >> 16;
- number[3] = value >> 24;
- write_wav( (char *)number, buflen );
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*****************************************************************************
- ** NAME: MAIN()
- **
- ** An entry point for testing or running this utility.
- **
- ** Prompt for the file to open and then go process it.
- **
- ** INPUT:
- ** argc and argv.
- **
- ** OUTPUT:
- ** Returns an int as it should.
- **
- */
- int main( argc, argv )
- int argc; /* Command line argument count */
- char * argv[]; /* Command line argument ptrs */
- {
- ubyte answer; /* Response to yes/no question */
- uint32 arg_ndx; /* Argument number index */
- uint32 arg_no; /* Argument number */
- uint32 byte; /* Byte index */
- uint32 wrk_ndx; /* Work index */
- bool end_of_str; /* Null terminator seen? */
- ubyte input_path[PATH_LEN]; /* Input cas file spec */
- uint32 len_chunk; /* Chunck length */
- uint32 len_file; /* File length */
- ubyte wav_path[PATH_LEN]; /* Output wave file spec */
- ubyte buf[BUF_LEN]; /* Buffer string */
- double rad; /* Radians intermediate value */
- double rad_mark; /* Radians intermediate value */
- double rad_space; /* Radians intermediate value */
- uint32 stat; /* Status from function */
- ubyte proceed; /* Proceed with conversion */
- /*
- ** Allocate buffer space for the tone generators.
- */
- mark = (ubyte *)malloc((unsigned long)MARK_TABLE_LEN * sizeof( ubyte ) );
- space = (ubyte *)malloc((unsigned long)SPACE_TABLE_LEN * sizeof( ubyte ) );
- if( !mark || !space )
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "\nCannot allocate buffer, insufficient memory.\n" );
- cleanup();
- exit( 255 );
- }
- /*
- ** Process command line arguments.
- ** We do not treat the options switch as an argument. It may be placed
- ** anywhere on the command line. So we have to count the arguments ourselves
- ** so that we know what argument we are processing.
- */
- arg_no = 0;
- diagnostics = FALSE;
- test_tape = 0;
- baudrate = 600;
- baudrate_fixed = FALSE;
- leader = 0;
- irg = 0;
- mark_tone = FSK_TONE_MARK;
- space_tone = FSK_TONE_SPACE;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- recno = 0;
- format_pure = FALSE;
- format_sine = TRUE;
- format_square = FALSE;
- zero_transition = FALSE;
- for( arg_ndx = 1; arg_ndx < argc; arg_ndx++ )
- {
- /*
- ** If we encounter the options switch, process the options.
- ** The options must start with a slash.
- */
- if( argv[arg_ndx][0] == '/' )
- {
- for( wrk_ndx = 1; argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx]; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- /*
- ** If the user is confused, seeking help, she/he should read the * manual.
- ** We can give them a hint though.
- */
- if( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] == '?' )
- {
- usage( argv[0] );
- exit( 0 );
- }
- /*
- ** The /d option selects the diagnostics output.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'D' )
- {
- diagnostics = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /z option selects the transition at the zero level.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'Z' )
- {
- zero_transition = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /w option selects the wave format.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'W' )
- {
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'S' )
- {
- format_pure = FALSE;
- format_sine = TRUE;
- format_square = FALSE;
- }
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'B' )
- {
- format_pure = FALSE;
- format_sine = FALSE;
- format_square = TRUE;
- }
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'P' )
- {
- format_pure = TRUE;
- format_sine = TRUE;
- format_square = FALSE;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /t option selects a test tape output.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'T' )
- {
- test_tape = 0;
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- test_tape *= 10;
- test_tape += argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /m option selects the mark tone frequency.
- ** The format of this switch is /m=nnnn where nnnn is a numeric value
- ** that should be around 5327 Hertz. We accept any number the user enters
- ** though.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'M' )
- {
- mark_tone = 0;
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- mark_tone *= 10;
- mark_tone += argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /s option selects the space tone frequency.
- ** The format of this switch is /s=nnnn where nnnn is a numeric value
- ** that should be around 3995 Hertz. We accept any number the user enters
- ** though.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'S' )
- {
- space_tone = 0;
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- space_tone *= 10;
- space_tone += argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /b option selects the baudrate.
- ** The format of this switch is /b=nnnn where nnnn is a numeric value
- ** that should be around 600 baud. We accept any number the user enters
- ** though.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'B' )
- {
- baudrate = 0;
- baudrate_fixed = TRUE;
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- baudrate *= 10;
- baudrate += argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /l option selects the length of the leader.
- ** The format of this switch is /l=nnnn where nnnn is a numeric value
- ** that should be around 20000 milli-seconds. We accept any number the user
- ** enters though.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'L' )
- {
- leader = 0;
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- leader *= 10;
- leader += argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** The /i option selects the length of inter record gaps.
- ** The format of this switch is /i=nnnn where nnnn is a numeric value
- ** that should be around 250 milli-seconds. We accept any number the user
- ** enters though.
- */
- if( toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] ) == 'I' )
- {
- irg = 0;
- while( argv[arg_ndx][++wrk_ndx] )
- {
- if( ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- irg *= 10;
- irg += argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- ** Ignore other options.
- */
- fprintf(stderr,"\nOption %c invalid.\n", argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] );
- break;
- } /* end for all characters after options switch */
- /*
- ** No further processing for the options switches.
- */
- continue;
- } /* end if options switch */
- arg_no++;
- /*
- ** First argument is the file spec.
- */
- if( arg_no == 1 )
- {
- for ( wrk_ndx = 0, end_of_str = FALSE;
- wrk_ndx < PATH_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* End of argument string? */
- end_of_str = TRUE;
- if ( end_of_str )
- input_path[wrk_ndx] = '\0';
- else
- input_path[wrk_ndx] = toupper( argv[arg_ndx][wrk_ndx] );
- }
- cas_file = fopen( (char *)input_path, "rb" );
- if( cas_file == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open cassette image file %s\n", input_path);
- exit( 255 );
- }
- }
- } /* end for all command line arguments */
- /*
- ** If there is no filename on the command line, ask for it.
- */
- if( arg_no == 0 && !test_tape )
- {
- /*
- ** Open hailing frequencies.
- ** No command line arguments, so ask what it is we have to do.
- */
- printf( "\n\nClassic Atari cassette tape recovery version April 26, 1999\n" );
- printf( "\n\nCopyright 1998, 1999 by Ernest R. Schreurs\n" );
- printf( "\n\nAll rights reserved\n" );
- while( TRUE ) /* until terminated by control Z*/
- {
- printf( "\nEnter ^Z or hit Control Z to terminate\n" );
- do /* until .cas file entered */
- {
- printf("\nEnter .cas file to be converted : ");
- GET_BUF();
- for ( wrk_ndx = 0, end_of_str = FALSE;
- wrk_ndx < PATH_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( wrk_ndx < BUF_LEN )
- {
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\n' ) /* End of inputted string? */
- end_of_str = TRUE;
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* Overkill, End marked by \n */
- end_of_str = TRUE;
- if ( end_of_str )
- input_path[wrk_ndx] = '\0';
- else
- input_path[wrk_ndx] = toupper( buf[wrk_ndx] );
- }
- }
- } while ( input_path[0] == ' ' );
- do /* until answer is Y or N */
- {
- printf("\nConvert file %s\n", input_path);
- printf("\nIs this correct [Y]es or N)o : ");
- GET_BUF();
- proceed = toupper( buf[0] );
- /*
- ** If blank, default is correct
- */
- if ( proceed == '\n' )
- proceed = 'Y';
- } while ( proceed != 'Y' && proceed != 'N' );
- if ( proceed == 'N' )
- continue;
- cas_file = fopen( (char *)input_path, "rb" );
- if( cas_file == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open cassette image file\n");
- continue;
- }
- break;
- } /* end while need a valid filename */
- do /* until answer is Y or N */
- {
- printf("\nPrint diagnostic data [Y]es or N)o : ");
- GET_BUF();
- answer = toupper( buf[0] );
- /*
- ** If blank, default is correct
- */
- if ( answer == '\n' )
- answer = 'Y';
- } while ( answer != 'Y' && answer != 'N' );
- diagnostics = ( answer == 'Y' ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- /*
- ** Ask for the wave format.
- */
- format_pure = FALSE;
- format_sine = FALSE;
- format_square = FALSE;
- do /* until answer is S or B or P */
- {
- printf("\nDo you want s)ine waves, b)lock waves or p)ure waves? [s]: ");
- GET_BUF();
- answer = toupper( buf[0] );
- /*
- ** If blank, default is block waves
- */
- if ( answer == '\n' )
- answer = 'S';
- } while ( (answer != 'S') && (answer != 'B') && (answer != 'P') );
- if( answer == 'S' )
- {
- format_pure = FALSE;
- format_sine = TRUE;
- format_square = FALSE;
- }
- if( answer == 'B' )
- {
- format_pure = FALSE;
- format_sine = FALSE;
- format_square = TRUE;
- }
- if( answer == 'P' )
- {
- format_pure = TRUE;
- format_sine = TRUE;
- format_square = FALSE;
- }
- do /* until answer is Y or N */
- {
- printf("\nUse space/mark transition at zero level Y)es or [N]o : ");
- GET_BUF();
- answer = toupper( buf[0] );
- /*
- ** If blank, default is no
- */
- if ( answer == '\n' )
- answer = 'N';
- } while ( answer != 'Y' && answer != 'N' );
- zero_transition = ( answer == 'Y' ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
- /*
- ** Ask for the mark tone frequency.
- */
- printf("\nEnter mark frequency [5327]: ");
- GET_BUF();
- mark_tone = 0;
- for( wrk_ndx = 0; wrk_ndx < BUF_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\n' ) /* End of inputted string? */
- break;
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* Overkill, End marked by \n */
- break;
- if( ( buf[wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( buf[wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- mark_tone *= 10;
- mark_tone += buf[wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- if( mark_tone == 0 )
- mark_tone = FSK_TONE_MARK;
- /*
- ** Ask for the space tone frequency.
- */
- printf("\nEnter space frequency [3995]: ");
- GET_BUF();
- space_tone = 0;
- for( wrk_ndx = 0; wrk_ndx < BUF_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\n' ) /* End of inputted string? */
- break;
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* Overkill, End marked by \n */
- break;
- if( ( buf[wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( buf[wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- space_tone *= 10;
- space_tone += buf[wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- if( space_tone == 0 )
- space_tone = FSK_TONE_SPACE;
- /*
- ** Ask for a fixed baudrate.
- */
- printf("\nEnter fixed baudrate if desired 425 - 875 : ");
- GET_BUF();
- baudrate = 0;
- for( wrk_ndx = 0; wrk_ndx < BUF_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\n' ) /* End of inputted string? */
- break;
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* Overkill, End marked by \n */
- break;
- if( ( buf[wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( buf[wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- baudrate *= 10;
- baudrate += buf[wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- if( baudrate == 0 )
- baudrate = 600;
- else
- baudrate_fixed = TRUE;
- /*
- ** Ask for the fixed length of the leader.
- */
- printf("\nLength of leader if fixed length in milli-seconds : ");
- GET_BUF();
- leader = 0;
- for( wrk_ndx = 0; wrk_ndx < BUF_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\n' ) /* End of inputted string? */
- break;
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* Overkill, End marked by \n */
- break;
- if( ( buf[wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( buf[wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- leader *= 10;
- leader += buf[wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Ask for the fixed length of the irg.
- */
- printf("\nLength of Inter Record Gap if fixed length in milli-seconds : ");
- GET_BUF();
- irg = 0;
- for( wrk_ndx = 0; wrk_ndx < BUF_LEN; wrk_ndx++ )
- {
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\n' ) /* End of inputted string? */
- break;
- if ( buf[wrk_ndx] == '\0' ) /* Overkill, End marked by \n */
- break;
- if( ( buf[wrk_ndx] >= '0' ) &&
- ( buf[wrk_ndx] <= '9' ) )
- {
- irg *= 10;
- irg += buf[wrk_ndx] - '0';
- }
- }
- } /* end else if command line arguments */
- /*
- ** Compute the sine value for all sample positions.
- ** The mark tone is 5327 Hertz. One period is 2 PI radians,
- ** One second contains 5327 periods. We have 44,100 samples in one second.
- ** To evenly divide these 5327 * 2 PI radians over 44,100 samples, we
- ** have to divide by 44,100. To get the radians value, multiply by the
- ** sample position number. Similar computations are done for the space tone.
- ** Convert the sine value to a PCM value with proper audio volume by
- ** multiplying it by 64.
- ** The center of the PCM values is at 128, thus we add 128.
- */
- rad = (double)mark_tone * 2.0 * PI / MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- for( byte = 0; byte < MARK_TABLE_LEN; byte++ )
- {
- mark[byte] = sin( rad * byte ) * 64 + ZERO_LEVEL;
- if( format_square )
- {
- if( mark[byte] >= ZERO_LEVEL )
- mark[byte] = 192;
- else
- mark[byte] = 64;
- }
- }
- rad = (double)space_tone * 2.0 * PI / SPACE_TABLE_LEN;
- for( byte = 0; byte < SPACE_TABLE_LEN; byte++ )
- {
- space[byte] = sin( rad * byte ) * 64 + ZERO_LEVEL;
- if( format_square )
- {
- if( space[byte] >= ZERO_LEVEL )
- space[byte] = 128;
- else
- space[byte] = 64;
- }
- }
- /*
- ** Initialize the pointer to the table.
- */
- bytelen = ( 44100L * 10 ) / baudrate;
- bitlen = 44100L / baudrate;
- #if 0
- bit_stretch = 9;
- if( zero_transition && format_square )
- bit_stretch = 0;
- #endif
- header_written = FALSE;
- prev_bitvalue = FSK_MARK;
- ptr = mark;
- table_len = MARK_TABLE_LEN;
- /*
- ** If we must write a test-tape, do so, and then quit.
- */
- if( test_tape )
- {
- write_test_tape();
- } /* end if test tape */
- else
- /*
- ** Generate a wave file based on the .cas file.
- */
- {
- /*
- ** Process the header of the .cas file.
- */
- stat = process_header();
- if( stat == FAILURE )
- {
- cleanup();
- exit( 255 );
- }
- PRINT( ("File : %s\n", input_path ) );
- memcpy( wav_path, input_path, PATH_LEN );
- /*
- ** Find the dot and replace by or add .wav extension.
- */
- wrk_ndx = STRLEN(wav_path);
- for( ;; )
- {
- if( wav_path[wrk_ndx] == '.' )
- {
- memcpy( &(wav_path[wrk_ndx]), ".wav", 5 );
- break;
- }
- if( ( wrk_ndx == 0 ) ||
- ( wav_path[wrk_ndx] == '/' ) ||
- ( wav_path[wrk_ndx] == '\\' ) )
- {
- memcpy( &(wav_path[STRLEN(wav_path)]), ".wav", 5 );
- break;
- }
- wrk_ndx--;
- }
- wav_file = fopen( (char *)wav_path, "wb" );
- if( wav_file == NULL )
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "\nCannot open .wav file!\n");
- cleanup();
- exit( 255 );
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\nProcessing, please wait!\n");
- /*
- ** Read records, and process them.
- */
- while( read_record() == SUCCESS )
- process_record();
- } /* end else if a test tape */
- /*
- ** Fix up the file size and the chunk size in the wave file.
- ** Compute the lengths. Write an alignment byte if needed.
- ** Position the file at the chunk size and update it and do the
- ** same for the file size.
- */
- len_chunk = pos - pos_chunk_size - 4;
- len_file = pos - pos_file_size - 4;
- if( len_chunk & 0x01L )
- write_wav( (char *)"\0", (uint32)1L ); /* Write alignment byte */
- fseek( wav_file, pos_chunk_size, SEEK_SET ); /* Go back to chunk size */
- write_wav_number( len_chunk, (uint32)4L );
- fseek( wav_file, pos_file_size, SEEK_SET ); /* Go back to file size */
- write_wav_number( len_file, (uint32)4L );
- cleanup();
- return 0;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- **
- ** DATE BY Description
- ** ---------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------
- ** 1998/12/30 ERS Project start
- ** 1999/04/26 ERS Release 01.00
- **
- *****************************************************************************/